Monday, May 04, 2009

I've still got my PA plates, but where's home?

Today is day three of my Pennsylvania break. In the last two weeks I have accomplished a lot. I'm not trying to toot my own horn, but it's been overwhelming. I dealt with the aftermath of the flu, difficulties with my landlord, I graduated with a BFA in Acting and a minor in Linguistics, finished filming a short film, I went to NYC and did a showcase, I also auditioned for things (like South Pacific) and saw four shows for less than $150. After all that excitement I was more than happy to take the train out and drive the remaining three hours home to green, green, green.

Highlights of the time at home have so far been the following:

-Pizza and brew with the family as the first family meal together in a while
-My dad making me watch the youtube thing of that Scottish lady who astounded everyone on Britain's Got Talent... it was pretty astounding
-Going to the Amish store to buy things for our garden and reduced candy
-6 Mile hike up to the top of Heiner View and back... got to do some trail running
-Finishing a novel in two days... love that Jonathan Safran Foer
-Doing questionable activity with my mother and sister that may or may not have involved "trespassing" in order to pick some lilacs for my grandmother
-Helping my mum plant her Christmas tree farm... she wants to grow Christmas trees so that when us kids are grown up we can afford to get real Christmas trees for our house and it will make us come visit her for the holidays

Right now I'm weighing out where I should work and live this summer. I can't figure it out. And I really need to! But I'm taking it a day at a time. It's nice to finally not be doing twenty things at one time. I feel like clarity is actually entering my brain. I'm able to actually look at my life and go... okay where am I going? ...what do I want? ... how do I get there?


-Get voice lessons
-SAVE $$$$
-Live somewhere that doesn't make me feel dead
-Maybe save enough that I could one day go to Australia and visit Kate and then backpack New Zealand... :)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Dear Jenny... and Santa

All I want for Christmas is to be Paris Hilton's BFF. I mean, seriously, I am such a candidate. I love dogs. I'm not skanky should I ever need to spend seven minutes in the closet. I don't mind dancing in a club dedicated to Paris. I don't even mind not being in the spotlight. I can see beyond all the glitz of Hollywood to see that Paris Hilton is "down to earth." While I am on my way to becoming a blond, I won't compete with her blond bombshell status. My ambition in life is to become a brunette vixen. Like that woman who took Jennifer Anniston's husband. So low, but so sexy. I may not be able to afford bail if Paris - heaven forbid - would ever land in jail. But I make some pretty amazing cookies. And I use only low-fat ingredients. And, I'm pretty sure I'm cute enough to be able to flirt the security guards into giving them to Paris.

So yeah... I know it's a last minute wish Santa, but I believe in karma. And I've been real good this year.

Friday, May 02, 2008

So you think you're cool just cause you can unwrap that starburst with your tongue...

Over Christmas my cousin and I combined two deadly gestures. The awkward turtle and our tongue trick.

Okay... what? That's what you're thinking right? Well look at this! Someone was so kind to do an online demonstration.

And if you look it up on google images it'll move for you... providing a completely accurate example of how to do the awkward turtle. As far as the tongue trick goes... that's kind of an in family ability. I'll explain the best I can. Move your tongue from side to side in your mouth. Allow only the tip to just barely poke out while doing this. Sort of like if you were barely giving just a peek.

Combine these two things at the same time to memerise (or completely gross out) your friends... and to improve your motor skills.

Okay... so why did Jan and I start doing this? Well we used to do both separately until we discovered that the awkward turtle was only for things awkward. And the tongue thing was our way of making fun of things that should be sexy. Combining? AWKWARD SEXY THINGS!

I'm whipping out the awkward tongue turtle anecdote for a specific reason so bear with me. :)

Right now I'm kinda frustrated. I mean not in the normal blog moody Emily. I'm actually rather chipper lately. And more permanently chipper. So anyway, the frustration isn' t a woe is me gray coloured thing. It's just... anyway... I delay.

It's like things have totally unraveled between me and one of my good friends. And normally, I guess, we need to let these things go. You can't force friendships on people. You can't force your way back to things. Especially if the other person doesn't want to or doesn't know how to mend things. But when friendships have been really meaningful for awhile and there really hasn't been any serious fallout when things get awkward you kinda have to look at the reasons. And in this case I go... What the? (There are a few of you reading that might go... Emily you perpetuate these things too. Fair enough, I guess I'm classifying myself under the 'you don't know how to mend things.' And that's probably unfair too. So I'm sorry. Sorry for the twinge of hypocrisy this blog may have. I see that it's there. I hope you can see the differences. But I understand what you're thinking. I was thinking it while I was writing it.)

Anway...To be a bit more direct.

I mean if you were worried about screwing around with our friendship... you did it. Whether we did anything or not it's almost like we should have. Because then there'd at least be a reason to be awkward, but all this dead space. Shoot. This accidentally bumping into each other and me feeling like I can't even say hello and you going out of your way to ignore me... it's so confusing. If you wanted us to go back to being the way we were... we were not like that! I miss the hugs. The laughing about inside jokes. Me being able to tell you thank you without you thinking that I want something more. You not wanting to set me up with all of your friends and then not wanting to because none of them are 'good enough.' What am I supposed to think? Nothing I guess. And in three days I'm so outa here that none of this will matter.

But that just sucks. Cause I miss you. As my FRIEND. None of this tongue turtle business. I just want that back. But I guess When Harry Met Sally was right. :) (That's a throwout to you miss Jacklyn Marie.)

Harry Burns: You realize of course that we could never be friends.
Sally Albright: Why not?
Harry Burns: What I'm saying is - and this is not a come-on in any way, shape or form - is that men and women can't be friends because the sex part always gets in the way.
Sally Albright: That's not true. I have a number of men friends and there is no sex involved.
Harry Burns: No you don't.
Sally Albright: Yes I do.
Harry Burns: No you don't.
Sally Albright: Yes I do.
Harry Burns: You only think you do.
Sally Albright: You say I'm having sex with these men without my knowledge?
Harry Burns: No, what I'm saying is they all WANT to have sex with you.
Sally Albright: They do not.
Harry Burns: Do too.
Sally Albright: They do not.
Harry Burns: Do too.
Sally Albright: How do you know?
Harry Burns: Because no man can be friends with a woman that he finds attractive. He always wants to have sex with her.
Sally Albright: So, you're saying that a man can be friends with a woman he finds unattractive?
Harry Burns: No. You pretty much want to nail 'em too.
Sally Albright: What if THEY don't want to have sex with YOU?
Harry Burns: Doesn't matter because the sex thing is already out there so the friendship is ultimately doomed and that is the end of the story.
Sally Albright: Well, I guess we're not going to be friends then.
Harry Burns: I guess not.
Sally Albright: That's too bad. You were the only person I knew in New York.

And sure. Maybe that's there too. The fact that maybe it's impossible for us to go back to being friends because it's out there. The "sex," the attraction, whatever you wanna call it. I'm just willing to deal with it in order to still be friends. Harry may be right, but he doesn't call all the shots on friendship and I miss ours.

So until then... I awkward tongue turtle.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

And again

See how happy I could be.


I want this.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Flava of the Week

Today's flava is dedicated to the mango...

I find that I'm bored out of my mind grading papers all day long and need some zip.

I also find that I'm completely out of my element yet again and that this summer will continue to be an adventure in fear. Or the overcoming of it.

I've decided to start playing the harmonica. I don't know how this relates to mangoes... but I also don't care. And for some reason, that reminds me of mangoes.

It's also so damn hot outside. I mean seriously. And I had to run some errands on BYU. Which meant no tank top. I know... what a thing to whine about. So I'm going to get a smoothie. A mango smoothie. And that is my entire subconsciousness for the day and the reason for this weirdly bizzaro entry.

Oh. And on a final note. I am also going to this tonight. And giving my friends their gifts from the land of Amish. I'm really excited.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Oops I Did It Again...

but this time by doing the right thing. damn.